Minor setback

Computer troubles got worse and worse until the machine eventually wouldn’t start up at all. It had to be taken away completely and fixed and I only just got it back. I have a computer and the internet at home, but I spend most of my time at work so not being able to use the machine kinda hurt.

I didn’t let it affect me TOO much though. I finally got Mana Khemia out of the way (oh crap, I wanna play it again!) and can spend some time playing a Japanese game next. I have the Lucky Star and Suzumiya Haruhi games for PS2 but truth to tell, I don’t really like anime games. Also the glamour of those two anime have long since faded for me so I don’t particularly care to play with them. I might play an Atelier game, maybe, since I’m such a Gust fan.

I spend the downtime reading a lot of Japanese manga, working my way through my collection of manga that I bought long ago and never bothered to read. I read more Dragonball and also volume 1 and 2 of Azumanga Daioh. I notice my speed still isn’t too high when reading, even though I’ve been doing my reps and sentences. I get through the pages alright and I understand everything, it just takes a while to get through. I could finish one English volume in 15 minutes but it would take me about 2 or 3 hours to get through the same volume in Japanese. I should time myself one day.

All in all even with the delays I’m not doing too badly for myself. The search for proper spoken media still continues but I’m doing great when it comes to reading material and reading practice. And that’s all for today.

Computer troubles continue

I spent the whole weekend sleeping and playing Mana Khemia so there’s not much to tell about that. I found the time to watch 2006’s Kouhaku Utagassen, which was fun and mildly educational. Oh yeah, I also read some Dragonball (in Japanese). Every time I think I’ve gotten over that manga I pick up a volume and it’s like 1998 all over again . I think I’ll read the j-wiki on Dragonball while I’m at it.

Then on Monday I came back to my work computer to find it caput. First it would load but the internet was non-existent, then I fiddled with it for a while and all of a sudden Windows Explorer wouldn’t load any more! But somehow through Task Manager I managed to access Firefox, and here we are now. In my efforts to make sound work on the machine I ended up installing a lot of windows updates (silly me) and I’m positive they’re to blame for my current predicament. Currently systematically uninstalling them now. The moral of the story: leave well enough alone.

But still, since I have the internet I can still do my SRS reps and add items to it. I started about a month ago and I already have 776 entries in there. Way cool. I’ll see if I can make that over 1000 by the end of June. Ganbarimasu!