Random manga I tried to read

Break Shot – Bleh. Couldn’t get into it. What’s so fun about billiards anyway?

Do suru!? Paradise – The first chapter was pretty cute. Choosing what happens next is a nice gimmick, if a bit confusing. Not my kind of series, though.

Ike Ike Sakura – It reminds me of ‘Darling wa Namamono ni Tsuki’ with far more sex. Might get boring really quickly if the author doesn’t diversify.

I’ll – I tried volume 1. The translation was a bit hard to make it but from what I gathered it’s about two kids with bad attitudes and family problems playing basketball. I don’t get the attraction.

Master Keaton – I’m such a hater. That darn Keaton is too bloody perfect. I’m still going to read the rest, but not any time soon.

Live – I’m normally an Umezawa fan (I especially liked Bremen), but I can see why this title was cancelled. The idea was cool in theory, but the execution was shoddy and all over the place. It’s like Ushio and Tora except Ushio is a stupid wimp and Tora is going through puberty. Umezawa couldn’t figure out where he wanted to go with the series, so it went nowhere. What a pity.