Hetalia: Axis Powers volume 1 impressions

I’m calling it ‘impressions’ because I only read about half of Hetalia: Axis Powers volume 1 before dropping it. Cute art  I like, whitewashed history not so much, and series where a doofus makes a nuisance of himself I just can’t stand.

The gimmick behind Hetalia is anthropomorphized world powers like Germany, Italy and Japan all hanging out together and totally not fighting a war in which millions died (same with USA, England, France, etc). Since the author is not interested in depicting the war with any semblance of reality, it follows that the characters don’t have much to do except sit around and bicker all day, showing off stereotypical traits of their respective nations (e.g. France and Italy are ladies men, Germany is strict, etc) and making unfunny jokes… wait, were there any jokes at all? It’s supposed to be a comedy so I’m assuming there were jokes, but I don’t actually remember any, or any amusing situations either. It’s just the same pattern over and over again: Italy does something stupid and Germany or someone else reacts in exasperation. Rinse and repeat until the reader runs out of patience.

If you like bokke-tsukkomi/Straight Man & Funny Man kind of humor, maybe Hetalia might be your cup of tea, I dunno. Personally I suspect the series’ popularity is just because it came along at a time when the whole yaoi fangirl boom was taking off and yaoi fangirls were looking for something to yaoi fangirl over, Right series at the right time, kind of thing. Even then I dunno, what with the chicken-scratch art and the identical-looking characters, what’s so special about this? Fangirls gonna fangirl, I guess. Apart from that I don’t know what anyone sees in this manga. Insta-dropped.