By putting a temporary freeze on new additions to my SRS, I was finally able to bring my backlog of reps to a manageable number. This morning, for example, I only had 27 reps to do, quickly gotten out of the way. And when you have a nice small number you can take your time and write out most, if not all of them, perhaps even read a few out loud.
So I just finished all that this morning and decided to get some more listening practice in. I remembered picking up a link to a podcast with some girls talking, probably from AJATT somewhere, so I went through my bookmarks and dug it up: Mariemo podcast.
Three schoolgirls from Hokkaido spend 10-30 episodes talking about nothing much. It’s…not very interesting and like all the other Japnese podcasts/radio programs it soon put me to sleep. But I shall persevere. I need listening practice badly because, not to boast or
anything, but my reading ability is nearly “there” while my speaking ability lags pitifully behind. Still, I don’t think Mariemo is the way for me.
I think there was some mention of Bakushou Mondai or something a while back, maybe that might be a more viable alternative.