Japanese puts me to sleep

I mentioned the other day about having difficulty finding interesting articles to read in Japanese. It gets worse than that: just an hour ago around 2:00pm, I was listening to Web JOQR Internet Radio (WMP9 can get it for you) and there was this Katou Emiri girl hosting a show… aaah, she’s trying so hard but it was so dull, dull, dull! I’ve never really liked radio that much and she wasn’t really talking about anything relevant to my interests. Within a few minutes my head dropped off to the side and zzzzzzzzzz…. until 3:39pm. AT WORK! My image is ruined~!… is what I want to say but nobody really cares. Except me. I gotta find more interesting things to listen to, and soon.

Same with articles, I’ve gotten really tired of Mainichi Daily. They never have any delicious news running or anything, it’s always the same old, same old. I’m used to my news being “juicier” and full of casual gossip and opinions. The boring, professional (yeah, I admit it’s professional) A did this and B did this and C went there is just not working for me. Even their game reviews and stuff are almost overwhelmingly positive, no matter how good or bad the game is. Yomiuri Daily is even worse. For today I’m trying Yahoo Japan and Famitsu‘s website. YJ is a bit of a failure. But Famitsu has some potential, at least for a day or two, until I find a more opinionated site. There’s a new game coming out for the DS, Steel Princess. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

That’s all for today.

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