Gackt + Yoshiki + Hamachan + Matsumoto = ROFLMAO

As part of my efforts to ramp up my Japanese input I’ve been watching all those Japanese videos I downloaded from youtube ages ago and rarely watched. I found a couple of vids where Gackt and Yoshiki sit with the guys from Downtown and just eat their way through each others’ favourite foods. Gackt seems to have had slightly too much to drink so he’s really cutting loose instead of with that silly posing and those silly affected manners he always puts on. I like him much better like this. If he’d always have a couple of glasses of wine before showing up to an interview I would like him much better. That was one interesting episode of…whatever it was an episode of. And the food all looked DELICIOUS. Mmm.

Looking on youtube, it seems to have been taken down. This is the only one I found:
Lucky me for dling when I could.


Some stuff about youtube and Japanese videos

You remember that LOOONG list of youtube links I posted a while ago? I did eventually download all of them, and kept them on my hard drive planning to watch them “some day.” That day turned out to be yesterday and I started working my way through them but… why do I have so many Gackt videos!? He’s so annoying. They’re interviewing him and he’s got his sunglasses on and his chin in his hand like, I dun wanna be here. They ask him a question and he can barely open his mouth to answer, “mutter mutter mutter irrelevant comment mutter mutter.” Get off my screen already.

Then I watched a skit with Ayumi Hamasaki riding bicycles (these are all Hey! Hey! Hey! clips, btw). That girl has the worst screech in the history of the universe. My ears were bleeding, man. And she looks funny, and she can’t sing. I think the story behind her popularity is more the idea of “There’s hope for us all” rather than any real talent. That, and marketing. Oh yeah, then I watched an interview with Amuro Namie, talking about the ways in which she’s a complete bitch to her manager and she’s like “yeah, we totally don’t get along.” Hey, at least you’re honest, right?

Sorry, hating on “tarento” is a hobby of mine. “Artistes” and “talents” like that exist in every country, probably, but it’s only in Japan that they’re shoved relentlessly down your throat everywhere you turn. It makes it all too easy to get sick of them. My favourites are the ones you don’t see every single week on every channel, shilling every single product under the sun.

Watching the clips really helps in a way that radio programs can’t manage, because the visuals and the subtitles keep you focused on the screen, instead of trying to type up an e-mail and open up two documents at the same time as you’re listening to some boring presenter drone on about environmental problems in Japan. I’m making it a daily habit from now on to watch at least 10 clips every day till I work my way through every video on the list. Wish me luck!