Agony aunt story. Translated from Japanese for fun.
Original story:
Every one or two years, my friends and I from school get together for a small trip. Some of them live far away so the ones that usually do the planning are I and a few other members who still live in the area. Recently one person, I’ll call her A, contacted me saying “Isn’t it time we went on another trip?”
But the truth is… I don’t want to invite A any more.
My reasons are:
・Since she lives far away she never wants to do the planning.
・She finds fault with the plans we come up with. She’s even forced us to do them over before.
・Ideally we’d like to travel by train or bus, but she always says those are too much trouble for her. “Somebody bring a car!” (She never brings her own car either.)
・She makes selfish demands when we reach our destination (e.g. wants to go or tries to go somewhere other than planned. Once she tried to go off somewhere just when our train was due. My friend and I physically grabbed her and forced her onto the train, where she went crazy with anger…)
・She moves slowly. When everyone’s ready to go to the public baths, for example, she’s still not ready and makes us wait several more minutes.
・She’s a mean drunk. (Her excuse is “It’s my stress reliever!” Well she’s not the only one stressed out…)
・She snores.
・She hogs the bathroom and dresser in the morning. She also takes forever to change her clothes.
And many other complaints besides. The other members don’t like this either. One of them suggested that we stop inviting her this year, but someone else said they’d feel bad if we didn’t.
This year B is doing the planning because there’s a place she wants to go. I don’t think it’s a place A would like, so she’ll probably reject the plan. I think we’re going to end up keeping things a secret from A this time, but should we invite her after all?
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