So many reps to do…

For the past couple of days I’ve had 100 reps to do every single day. It’s mostly my fault because I don’t do reps on the weekends, but it’s so not fun to do so many every day. Especially since I add at least 20 sentences every day, usually more, on top of my old sentences, it becomes quite a chore.

I’m rapidly approaching the 2000 sentence point, yay! And it’s all sentences I found and entered by myself. I don’t believe in “sentence databases” or “pooling sentences” or anything like that. The way I see it, all the sentences in your SRS should be a by-product of your reading Japanese, watching Japanese, listening to Japanese, speaking Japanese, etc., and not a goal in and of itself. You get what I’m driving at? The context is important, not just the sentences themselves. It’s not enough to know the words, it’s also important to know where and when and why to use them, you see? Plus other people’s sentences would probably be incredibly boring to me. These are sentences you’re going to be reading over and over and over again for years, might as well make sure they have some special significance for you to begin with, right?

Now back to planning how to celebrate when I hit the magical 2-0-0-0 number!

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